Monitoring Solutions

Remote monitoring has changed from the days where Remote Desktop was the only method you could use to check the status of machines in far away places. With today’s technologies and advanced security the “remote” monitoring solution offers automated to scripted update processes and data collection.   We offer a number of remote solutions including products that:

  • Collect data from recyclers and dispensers for cash ordering and optimal loading based on historical data
  • Push marketing and screens on your schedule
  • Push updates as you decide which are relevant and installed automatically
  • On demand support
  • Email or text notification
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tem∙po [têm'pö] noun, plural -pos, verb
  • Music

    relative rapidity or rate of movement, usually indicated by such terms as adagio, allegro, etc., or by reference to the metronome.A characteristic rate or rhythm of activity.

  • Financial

    the pace at which a Financial Institution evolves relative to the speed at which they address their customers needs through the utilization of innovative technologies, or adapting to changing market conditions.

  • Chess

    the gaining or losing of time and effectiveness relative to one's continued mobility or developing position, especially with respect to the number of moves required to gain an objective.